The Gummy Bear Song - Long English Version
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From the CD "I Am Your Gummy Bear".
Also from the DVD "I Am A Gummy Bear".
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The original 30 second video for Itt Van A Gumimaci, the Hungarian version of I Am A Gummy Bear, debuted on the internet in August of 2006. It quickly went viral, gaining hundreds of thousands of views as the popularity of this catchy song and funny character increased and spread by word of mouth. A 30 second English version was then created which helped to increase the clip's popularity and views rocketed up into the millions. By the summer of 2007, the final full length 2:30 version was released and it has been gaining views and viewers ever since.
* I Am A Gummy Bear (The Gummy Bear Song) has been recorded in over 25 languages and has been released in more than 40 countries world-wide.
* Every day, the online videos for The Gummy Bear Song are watched more than 1 million times.
Chart Positions include:
# 1 Dance Singles Chart -- iTunes
# 1 Dance Ringtone Chart -- iTunes
Hot 100 Pop Singles Sales Chart
# 1 Dance Singles Chart -- iTunes
# 1 Pop Singles Chart iTunes
# 1 Pop Singles Chart iTunes
# 1 Pop Ringtones Chart iTunes
# 2 Pop Singles Sales Chart
# 2 Pop Singles Sales Chart
# 5 Pop Singles Sales Chart
# 8 Pop Singles Sales Chart (52 weeks in the Top 40)
Top 10 Pop Digital Downloads
# 1 Pop Ringtones Chart
# 1 Ringtone Download AOL & Vodaphone Charts
# 1 Pop Downloads Chart
# 1 Pop Downloads Chart
Sales Certification Awards Include:
Single Certified Gold
Single Certified Gold
Single Certified Gold
Single Certified Gold
Single Certified Gold