Brian Jones
Brian Jones 21 Mar 2020


Coronavirus explained: How it spreads and how to protect yourself
21 Mar 2020
Coronavirus explained: How it spreads and how to protect yourself
Brian Jones · 0 Vues


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Follow me as I get my ass kicked in the gym by Mike D ( ) and show you my make-up routine. DISCLAIMER: it may be massively disappointing. Rounded out with my post-workout nutrition and supplements, a few margaritas, and some gratuitous cat footage, this vlog is an internet SENSATION.

Snapchat: kymnonstop
Instagram: @Kymnonstop
Twitter: @Kymnonstop

KymNonStop is a bike-messenger-turned-fitness guru. I’m going to show you how to lead a healthy, happy lifestyle without sacrificing the fun! Get ready for easy and effective workouts that you’re going to love to do.

You’ve seen me on MTV’s Made, Access Hollywood, The Today Show, the summer action film, “Premium Rush”, and on The Amazing Race, Season 25! Outside YouTube, I teach at the celebrity-studded indoor cycling studio, SoulCycle. This is my channel.
Be sure to check me out on for more fun workout videos and other awesomeness!

Snapchat: kymnonstop
Instagram: @Kymnonstop
Twitter: @Kymnonstop

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Coronavirus explained: How it spreads and how to protect yourself
21 Mar 2020
Coronavirus explained: How it spreads and how to protect yourself
Brian Jones · 0 Vues